Hand weaving creates happy life in Ngari, Tibet


Kangle New Homes in Shiquanhe Town, Gar County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region is the local poverty alleviation resettlement site. In 2017, 3,295 people of 714 household from five counties including Gerze County, Coqen County, Ge'gyai County, Gar County, and Rutog County moved here in succession in order to start a new life. After moving in their new homes, local residents found stable jobs in poverty alleviation industries such as the Kangle New Homes Garment and Carpet Processing Factory and the Gar County Standardized Dairy Cow Breeding Base, thus achieving increased incomes for their families by using their diligent hands. 

The Kangle New Homes Garment and Carpet Processing Factory was invested and constructed in 2018. Relying on the rich wool and fur resources in the Ngari Prefecture, it mainly produces specialty products such as Tibetan blankets and cushions. 96 people who have relocated here for poverty alleviation purposes are now working in the factory. The monthly salary of staff workers is about 3,000 yuan (about 428 US dollars).

A worker is weaving Tibetan carpets at the Kangle New Homes Garment and Carpet Processing Factory.