70-year-old Japanese mountaineer ascends Qomolangma


Takako Arayama leads other climbers on the way to the top of Mount Qomolangma (also Mt. Everest), photo from Xinhua, May 17.


In Katmandu, capital of Nepal, Takako Arayama with the certificate issued by China Tibet Mountaineering Association for his success of scaling the Qomolangma, photo from Xinhua, May 23.


Japanese mountaineer Takako Arayama, 70, poses at the top of the Mount Qomolangma May 17 from Xinhua. 

The Japanese mountaineer Takao Arayama, 70, successfully ascended the Mount Qomolangma, also known as Everest on May 17 and this 70-year-old Japanese ranks the oldest person to scale the world's highest peak from China's Tibetan side.